What type of community foundation do we intend on being?

Our foundation will be a resource and partner to people and organizations investing in the culture, land and community of Nevada County.  As we grow, we will offer a suite of services as outlined in our mission, values and impact statements, and aligned with our purpose and capacity.

Where there are high expectations for the Foundation to be many things to many people, and given your ambitions,  how will you focus our efforts for the greatest impact and strategic growth?

The Board will work diligently to plan a sustainable path for the Foundation’s growth. We are in the process of establishing a set of community priorities, and have identified five core functional lines of business (see org chart) Once we are hire a full time CEO, we will work with them to map out a growth plan for the future.

What does it look like on a daily basis?

We are aiming to raise 3 years of operating expenses in order to hire our first CEO, who will work hand in hand with the Board to identify and amplify opportunities that contribute to the health and well-being of our region. In the meantime, Cristine Kelly will step in as part-time Interim CEO to drive the startup phase. This will include:

  • Manage and activate the startup fund efforts with the Development Committee

  • Manage and activate the communications rollout

  • Represent the Foundation to the community, engaging gov't, nonprofits et al to introduce the Foundation to the public through forums, meetings, etc

  • Set up processes, policies and procedures for this particular phase of the CoFo's lifecycle

Do we have the stakeholder input to identify community needs?

One of our key strengths and assets is our visionary Board, which is both representative and committed to the community we serve.  Over the past two years, the Board, and the Steering Committee before it, have interviewed numerous stakeholders, including the region’s nonprofits. We will continue to prioritize the input of the community in a series of listening sessions beginning in the fall of 2023. 

How are we visible in the community?

Currently, the Foundation is establishing relationships with the nonprofit community, and City and County governments, as well as a group of philanthropic individuals who are interested in its establishment. We have a modest website, and with the hiring of an Interim CEO, will be creating and implementing a communications plan for rollout, which will include social media. 

What is our relationship with the County? 

We are partners with the County to execute upon our mission. The Exec Team is working on building a Scope of Work with the County which will launch our first project- the administration of the Nevada County Relief Fund. It is our intention to have those funds support hiring staff.

Have another question? Feel free to reach out to us.